It's been quite busy lately as evidenced by the lack of blog postings. March started off great but then Audrey got sick. It started off as a cough, so dad took her to the pedi right away b/c her little cousin had bronchiolitis a couples weeks before. Turns out it was just a cold! So we did what any first-time parents would do: raid the pharmacy (or several pharmacies) and buy whatever claims to help ease cold symptoms (basically that would be anything that had a picture of a soundly sleeping child on the box.) Here's what we found to be very helpful:
-Vick's Warm Steam Vaporizer: we used this in her room 24/7 and it was great. I think it really helped her STTN.
-regular humidifier
-Vick's Baby Vapor Rub: not only did we put it on her chest and neck, but my SIL advised rubbing it on the bottoms of her feet and putting socks on...OMG, it worked wonders!!! I did this at night AND for naps.
-Little Noses Saline Spray & aspirator
-Tissues with lotion
-Hylands C-Plus tablets. They're just like teething tablets but supposedly help with stuffy noses. Eh, I'm not sure they worked, but we used them anyway.
Nothing is more pathetic than a sick baby. Check her out:

In the morning, before we left for Grandma's. I started making sub plans the moment I got to school!

She was looking pretty rough by that afternoon. Good thing I took off the next day!

Chris bought her the warm steam vaporizer and first set it up in the kitchen. She likes waving the vapors towards her face, lol.
She started feeling better a couple days later so we went out to lunch with my mom and brother. Despite rosy cheeks and a runny nose, she was a delight!

Nana brought her a little wind-up chicky and she loved it!

Not the bow I had originally put in her hair, but just as cute!
She's been transitioning to one nap and still not a huge fan of most real-people food. Her growth has really halted since turning one. Her 15 month appointment is coming up and I plan to talk to her pedi about her diet. I don't know whether to cut out baby food and just keep offering the real stuff, or keep giving her baby food when she rejects real fruits and veggies.
She has a mouth full of pearly whites! Her top two canines poked thru last week. She looks so grown up with teeth. She's adorable and sweet and too much fun! She's pretty much running all over the place and loves to be outside. We celebrated my b-day last weekend and as we were waiting outside at the restaurant, she would just walk up to people, smile, turn, and run back to me, burying her face in my lap. She's bashful & outgoing at the same time.
Today we're getting her picture taken with real bunnies. It will either be really cute or really disastrous. Stay tuned!!