When you tell Abigail that she needs a diaper, she turns and walks straight into her room and goes to her changing spot.
When we ask her, "How old are you?" She puts up her pointer finger and says, "One!"
She seems to like puzzles more and more. She'll sit and do them by herself, then bring them to me, looking so proud!
She has mastered the lock on my iPod. She knows to touch the button on the bottom to turn the screen on...then she figured out how to swipe the screen to unlock it. I finally had to put a password on it (at first I used 0000 and she magically figured it out. I know, she's smarter than me.)
She's crazy in the bath. I'll pretend to leave and then she'll stand up...when I pop my head back in she sits down right away and laughs, lol. Rotten :)
She's becoming more and more a Daddy's Girl. When he's home she just wants to be up on the couch, crawling all over him.
Giving Dad a kiss goodnight :)
Ghost baby
She's a bully. She will take out her frustrations by pulling Audrey's hair or hitting her. We just tell her, "Be NICE!" and we show her how to nicely touch Audrey. She repeats, "Niiiiice," and pets Audrey, lol. What's kind of weird is that when she pulls Audrey's hair, she'll grab a fistful of her own at the same time and smile...WHAT?! I always thought I'd have to worry about Audrey being gentle with the baby...boy was I wrong!
They do play nicely together sometimes!!
Audrey loves using big words. She'll say she's disappointed or frustrated. She describes things as being marvelous, magnificent, and gorgeous. She'll tell me that something is ridiculous. Her newest phrase is, "Oh mom/dad, that's embarassing!" She's living proof that if you simply use bigger words around a kid, they'll pick them right up.
She's been building amazing things all summer...she has different names for them; sometimes it's a birthday party, other times it's a carnival. Or a picnic. Or a celebration. I need to start taking pictures....she uses all sorts of toys (princesses, Lala Loopsy dolls, Hello Kitty figurines) positioned on building blocks or giant Legos or mini cardboard books that have been stacked into a large tower. She's incredibly patient...when something (or someone) falls, she doesn't get the least bit discouraged. She loves doing this is her room with the door closed so that Godzilla (aka Abby) doesn't interfere.
She loves to draw. She mostly draws rainbows and happy face people. Once I drew her a plain smiley face and she added a nose, "so he can breathe!" LOL
She likes to sit in her bed at night and read for a few minutes. I leave and she calls me back in when she's done. I tuck her in with her blanket, water, and whatever toys she's sleeping with (currently it's Hello Kitty and 4 small Disney princesses.) As I'm walking out the door she jumps out of bed and runs to me for "one more hug and kiss!" Of course I make a HUGE deal about how sweet she is and she just glows :)
She and I had a girl's day out a couple weeks ago. We had breakfast at Panera, did a bunch of shopping for new school clothes (for me and her!) and got haircuts. It was so wonderful to spend time with her and we're going to do it every year to celebrate going back to school.
I swear the summer goes by way too fast. I'm going to miss the fact that my hardest decision throughout the day is which book to read next or what to make for dinner, lol. Gone are the days where I'm only thinking of my own babies- tomorrow I'll be meeting 20+ new babies to fret over 24/7! I am SO excited to meet my new kiddos, though! I moved back to second grade (and hopefully I'll get to loop up to 3rd again.) I'm on the school SIP team and taking over as CAMP Coordinator (mentor program to our new teachers.) So...yeah it's going to be a very crazy & busy new year with all the changes going on. I'm ready!