Only one regret...that we didn't book TWO weeks :(
We loaded the van on Saturday evening (luckily everything fit!) We left on Sunday morning after we had breakfast. No rushing to get there, since check-in wasn't until 4 pm. We even stopped at Bass Pro so Audrey could see the giant stuffed bear (we did end up buying puddle jumpers though!)
Ready to go!
At Bass Pro
Stopped at the Farmer's Market
The last few minutes I had to jump back with the girls because Anne was getting fussy.
We're here!! All in all the girls were great travelers. We stopped for a quick Subway lunch and to feed Anne.
We arrived at the house right on time, unloaded everything, explored the house, and sent the husbands out to the grocery store for a few necessities. We had sandwiches for dinner and put the kids to bed. We were so happy to finally be starting our vacation!
The next morning we went to Super Wings for some beach towels, shirts, toys, etc. Then we went grocery shopping and hung out at the pool the rest of the afternoon. We went out to eat for dinner and afterwards I took Audrey to the beach. I loved that time of day- there weren't many people and it was just so beautiful.
Day 3 was Beach Day! We got ready while Annie took her morning nap. As soon as she woke up we headed out. Audrey and Abby loved the water. Annie wouldn't really stay put anywhere for more than 5 minutes (her baby shelter, the mini pool.) She liked sitting with me on the beach and would laugh when the waves crashed over us.
Abby somehow got a ton of sand in the lining of her bathing suit!
Chris took Annie back to the house and I stayed with the 2 older girls. I wanted as much beach time as possible! When he came back to pick us up a couple hours later I had some cranky girls, lol. Audrey especially! She just does not know how to handle being unhappy/uncomfortable. They were back to normal after some rest and food, so I took them back at bed time once Annie had fallen asleep. Squeezing in all the beach time I could!
On Wednesday morning we went to see the Currituck Beach Lighthouse. I stayed down on land with Annie (she danced on the lawn and entertained the people waiting in line) while everyone else climbed the 200+ steps. Afterwards we went out to lunch. We hung out in the pool and ate dinner at home.
Kids: why you wake up so early?!?
The kids walked around and picked up leaves, pine cones, etc.)
Making friends :)
After the big climb
Good job, Abs!!
Well-deserved ice cream!
Lunch time!
Eating dinner al fresco :)
Sunset on the sound side :)
On Thursday morning I took Audrey and Abby to the beach while Anne took her morning nap. We left right before it started raining heavily. Chris and Jason had gone on a charter boat to do some fishing but ended up coming back in after a short period of time...they were so disappointed. We spent the rainy afternoon hanging out at home (the kids made lighting bugs!) The weather cleared up in time for dinner so we went out to eat, then went to the beach afterwards.
Yummy dinner!
Family beach time!
10 months old today!
On Friday (OMG, FRIDAY ALREADY?!?) everyone was ready for another Beach Day. I didn't want to wait until after Annie's morning nap to go. Audrey had been feeling terrible (barely sleeping, not eating well) and she stayed in bed HOURS after everyone else. So I took Abigail and we had a blast! She sat right next to me on the beach, singing and building in the sand. Then we'd go down and "wim" in the ocean. I loved every minute with her.
Our friends showed up a couple hours later and I left Abby with them so I could relieve Chris. By that time Audrey had slept and eaten and seemed to be back to her normal, cheerful self. Except she did NOT want to go to the beach, lol. Luckily I was able to convince her and Chris came to pick us all up after Annie woke up from her second nap.
Woke up early, went back to sleep in our bed for hours! She needed it!
Mom and Abby time :)
High fives!
Squishy beach baby!
Meltdown! Time to go...
Early to bed and completely passed out
Definitely will be missing these gorgeous sunsets!
We didn't stay at the beach for too long. I pretty much stayed with Annie while Chris took the girls out swimming. Again, they were completely melting down on the walk back to the van. Abby had been out on the beach for 8 hours!! And Audrey just falls apart when she's hot, sandy, and has to listen to Abigail being upset. Needless to say, it was stressful. We got home, had dinner and baths and they were in bed nice and early!
Saturday was our last full day :(
Our view of the ocean in the morning
One of my favorite parts of the on one time with each girl at the beach! Why do we not live there?!
Abby loved swimming in the ocean- she went further out than I did! "Farther, farther," she'd say. I love her braveness :)
I took Audrey to the beach during Annie's morning nap. We went home to rest, then I returned with Abigail in the afternoon for a couple of hours. We went out to eat and then everyone went to the beach for some pictures:
Resistant at first...
We put the kids to bed and started packing. The guys went fishing on the sound. We got up early on Sunday morning (Annie had a poopy surprise for us...smeared all over the place...yuck!) We were on the road before 10 and my end-of-vacation depression was in full force :(
She fell asleep before we left the driveway!
Goodbye OBX!!
We stopped for breakfast once we were out of traffic and the girls had woken up from their quick naps. It was delicious!
On the way home I spent a lot of time researching different places to stay next year (closer to the ocean.) We can't wait for next year's beach trip!
A few things I want to remember:
We loved vacationing with our friends. Besides the fact that we obviously enjoy their company, it was so nice for the girls to have friends their age to play with. I am so interested to see how their relationships evolve over the next few years!
Abigail is still suffering from her Summer cold (mostly a runny nose.) I'm pretty sure Audrey and I caught it as well. There were times I felt so terrible (achy, sore throat.)
I had been worried about Audrey and Abby sharing a bed. Other than a few small issues, they did great! Annie slept in her PNP in our bedroom. She was wonderful! Went right to sleep and slept through the night (although her small noises kept waking me up!)
Audrey and Abby LOVED the beach...once they got there. But whenever I announced we were GOING to the beach- they would have nothing to do with it and complain on the way there...but once we arrived, they had a blast. Weirdos.
Vacation is exhausting. By mid-week I could barely keep my eyes open. Chris passed out early a couple of nights (of course this was after several LATE nights!) "Beach Week" is definitely different as adults :)
Our house was in a nice location. It had several balconies; we could see the beautiful sunrise over the ocean and the gorgeous sunset over the sound (both in the distance.) We only had to drive across route 12 to get to the beach. But next time we want to be ON the beach. I especially want to be able to drink my coffee while watching the waves.
Our mottos all week were, "It's vacation!" and "No regrets!" Although Chris made bad choices at the beach store and returned with a camouflage hat and reflective sunglasses. Ugh.
It was a fantastic vacation where lots of memories were made. I hate to wish time away, but I'm REALLY looking forward to Summer 2015 already!!