Back to school flowers from Chris :)
On Monday I found Abigail all cuddled up on the couch (at 5:30 am!) She was super excited about school!
She was very calm and cool during drop off. Not clingy, but not super enthusiastic, either. Very "go with the flow" :) Chris and I both called to check on her during the day. She had a small accident, but she told the teacher right away and it didn't seem to phase her. When I picked her up and she was SO happy to see me. We back-tracked a bit to get Audrey from Grandma's so that they could see her on her first day :) It was hard to get her to talk about school. She was more interested in everything else going on! Much later I was able to find out that she didn't make any friends, a kid knocked down her magnets, and she didn't fall asleep during quiet time. Also, her and some other kids had to be reminded to not throw mulch and walk up the slide on the playground ;) Despite all that, she said she liked school (okaaaay?!)
On Wednesday at pick up she said she had made friends that day (two girls came up and hugged on both of us, lol!) She didn't have any accidents. She fell asleep during quiet time. A much better day I'd say! On Thursday she went to Grandma's house, so of course on Friday morning she said she didn't want to go to school...then literally 5 minutes later she was running around with her backpack on and singing about how wonderful her school was :) Chris dropped her off and Grandpa picked her up, which she was THRILLED about! Overall I'm pleased with how she's adjusting. She only goes 3 days a week, but they are long days. I'm so happy she's taking naps, especially since she's waking up so early. I love our morning time. We take our time getting ready and it's just a wonderfully nice way to start the day. I'm dreading the days we have to fight to get her out of bed on time!
Annie had a great week as well. She went to Steph's on Monday and we all went out for dinner that night to celebrate Abby's first day of school. She stayed home with Dad and Abby on Tuesday. Steph watched her for a few hours on Wednesday while Chris got things done and ran errands. On Thursday and Friday she got to stay home with Steph (she also got to go to Grandma's on Thursday evening!) I missed her like crazy, but I was so insanely busy that time just flew by each day. Thursday night was Open House, so I didn't see her ALL DAY. When I got home I rocked her for a bit (she stayed asleep the whole time.) I love my sweet baby cuddles!
Audrey got to go to Grandma's all day, every day. She loved all the playtime with Bella. On Thursday Chris brought her to Open House. The staff was so happy to see her back :) We sat through a brief orientation, then we got to see her classroom. Her teacher gathered all the kids on the floor and talked to them for a bit. Then the paras took the kids on a tour throughout the building while the teacher spoke with us and answered questions. I did get teary a few times, it just kind of sneaks up on me!! When I got home much later, she was till awake. We had snuggle time and fell asleep together. I definitely needed that!
Up nice and early on Friday morning :)
My week was jam packed. Between meetings and getting my room ready, the hours seemed like minutes! I was up super early each morning which gave me plenty of time to get everything and everyONE ready for our busy days. I didn't feel rushed and I felt like things ran smoothly in the mornings. The evenings were great as well. We have dinner around 6:00, baths and bedtime routine start around 7:00 (gotta fit in reading time!) and by 8:00 at the latest they're all asleep.
On Thursday I got to meet my new class. Some of them are familiar face, yay! I got a lot of visitors (aka Alumni), which is always wonderful. I can already tell it's going to be a fantastic year. My kids are adorable and SO sweet. I'm excited to get to know them and their families. I love this time of year!!
On Friday, once all the girls were in their places, Chris and I met for breakfast. Date morning!! It was so nice to hang out and eat (uninterrupted!) We are excited for the new year!