I can't help but compare what our life is like today, to what it was like last year.
Last year, as a SAHM, I hardly had a schedule...especially with having a baby. The only thing we had on our calendar was preschool and dance class, lol. I think I lived in my comfy clothes most of the year. We had the flexibility of scheduling appointments and having outings in the middle of the day. I won't say it was easy but it definitely felt more freeing.
Now? My goodness! We are structured Monday-Saturday morning!
I'm up early enough to get ready and pack lunches & backpacks. The girls get up at 6 so we can be out the door by 6:30-6:40. They are amazing. They wake up smiling and rarely complain about being tired. Every morning is different; a couple of days it's just me and Audrey (Chris keeps the girls home one day and bring them to daycare/school another day.) One day I bring the littles to Grandma's. A couple of days I have all 3 girls going to 3 different places! However, a stop at Starbucks for Momma is always worked in :)

All 3 backpacks, ready to go bright and early!
Audrey loves school. Her motivation for learning and the relationships she is building- it's such a privilege to see it first hand every day. Sometimes, when it's hard to get going in the morning and I find myself wishing back to last year...I remind myself that one day, all 3 girls will be coming to school with me. I love being a mom/teacher! They'll be in elementary school for 2 years together, but even when Audrey goes to middle school, it will be in the building right next door :)
Abigail- oh my goodness. We are so regretful that we didn't start her out in this preschool in the first place. The change in her is incredible. She's so excited to go to school and even says, "I love _______!" (her teacher.) She walks in, hangs up her stuff and says goodbye! She's completely independent. She definitely does well with structure and routine. The curriculum is awesome and she comes home every day with her back pack full of crafts and artwork. She'll be there next year for preschool and we're just so happy...this school is in Anne's future as well!
Annie- sweet, sweet Annie! She gets to stay with an amazing family 3 days a week, 2 minutes from school :) It's crazy how it worked out...back in November we were having our parent conference (her daughter is in my class.) Towards the end, we started talking and I just came right out and asked her. Staci is PERFECT for our Anne. She loves on her like WE do. Just the way she talks about Anne...how she's "perfect and sweet and amazing and easy"...I know in my heart we made the perfect match. Staci and her brothers grew up in the same neighborhood as us, so we all kind of knew each other. Her other daughter is in Audrey's class :) What's REALLY funny? Staci was referred to me a few years ago when I was looking into after school care for Audrey (when she was in the 3 year old class.) I never pursued it because my dad ended up helping out. Long story short, Anne is doing amazingly well. She's starting to reach for Staci when she knows we're about to leave, no tears! She loves the hustle and bustle of their house. The kids adore her! They play with her, read to her at breakfast...the whole family is just incredible. We really lucked out and we just could NOT be more blessed.
Our evenings are pretty routine. I get home with all 3 girls and Chris gets home about an hour later. By that time the girls have eaten and are getting ready for bed. That's all we have time for! They get to play for a bit and read (of course!) In bed no later than 7:30. I cannot wait to live closer to school. Later wake up times and more afternoon time...yes.please.
So there it is. We hit the ground running all week. Last year we landed softly and gracefully on the ground and just kind of walked, lol. I can't say which I like more- working and staying home are so different, both with their upsides and downsides. As much as I find myself missing the girls and being home, the break from them is good, too! The beginning of the year was difficult- I considered transferring to a closer school or just staying home altogether. But we're in a great place right now and with me working...we can move! More on that to come :)