On Friday, October 9th we celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. Time has flown by! I feel so lucky each and every day to be married to Christopher. We traveled that day for the family reunion and Mom Maw surprised us with an anniversary cake at dinner that night. It was such a sweet surprise. Thank you so much, Mom Maw!!

We were so busy that day, I forgot to get a good picture of us on our anniversary...oops! This one will have to suffice :)
On to the rest of the trip...
Audrey was FANTASTIC on the way there. It's about a 4 hour drive into the mountains. Earlier that morning she'd had her 9 month checkup. She weighs 18 lbs and is 27in long. Has hit all developmental milestones. She's low on iron (common with breast fed babies) and got 2 shots (one of them being the flu shot.) Needless to say, she slept a lot that day. We stopped to feed her lunch and change her, and we made it there with plenty of time before we had to be at dinner.
Hanging out with cousin Nina...

"Stairs!! YESSSSSSSSSS..."
Dinner was at this cute little restaurant near our cabin. The food was awesome and we got to see most of the family. But this is where it started to get ugly...

She did not want to be held. (She really loves her Aunt B, though...seriously!)

She did not want to be social.

She did not want to act like a lady.

She did not want to smile for pictures. She made this face on purpose to spite me. Sigh.

She did, however, want to bite. It. Hurt.
We got back to the cabin where she surprisingly slept great. In the morning she was her usual happy self, playing with her cousin:

It was impossible to get a picture wth her and Nina. She kept crawling away!! We even tried Mickey Mouse, but that just made her want to get closer to the tv.

"Hey, Audrey, I've got a plan..."

"Good idea, Nina. I knew I liked you. Ok, you distract Teddy while I grab his breakfast..."

There's more but I'm tired. Part 2 of our trip will have to wait for tomorrow... :)