One year ago today I took a test, it was positive and I FREAKED out. A third baby?? NOW?? I was so happy with our life as it was. I loved being a working mom of 2 kids and having everything under control. All of a sudden I felt like our lives would be turned upside down. I was terrified.
Luckily, the feelings were short-lived. When I told Chris (or rather, when he asked me if I was pregnant), I cannot even begin to explain the weight that was lifted. He seemed more excited about this pregnancy than the first two! I was so relieved, so elated. He listened as I blabbered on and on about my worries. He offered solutions and assured me that this was a truly amazing thing!! On Valentine's Day we had our first glimpse of Baby Burns #3...
Here we are, a year later. Our sweet, precious Annie has joined our family and I couldn't be more grateful. I look at her angelic face and I know she was meant for us. I hold her a lot, I breathe her in often, and I probably kiss her face about 100 times per day. I revel in each and every sweet smile and I feel such peace every time I watch her sleep. I melt when I see the older girls light up with excitement when she gives them a smile or laugh.
It's amazing to me that a year ago she wasn't even a blip on our radar. And now we have a 4 month old! She is trying to sit up. She'll be laying in her bouncer or swing and all of a sudden she'll lift up her upper's so SCARY!!! And a few days ago she rolled from back to belly! I missed it :( I laid her on her back on her play mat and walked away. When I came back she was on her tummy!! She rolled a few more times and just didn't want to stay on her back! She is playing with her overhead toys now. It's so fun to watch her concentrate on moving her hands and arms.
Trying to sit up!!
A year ago I didn't know her, but she knew me. Why was I so worried? She is perfection.
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