Our sweet little lady!! While she talks and acts like she's 13, I look at her and see baby, baby, baby!
She is such a ham!! And so, so sassy. I literally can't EVEN sometimes....she makes me smile so much my face hurts.
I don't even know where to start...
She wakes between 6-7, usually singing SUPER LOUDLY or saying, "Mommy, oh mommy!" She's still in her crib because #lastchild. She lays down for a nap around 11-12, but I really think she's starting to give them up because 50% of the time she just plays and sings for a couple hours. Her pacis all "broke" a few months ago, but she HAS to have one in her bed. She lays it right on her pillow. Her blanket must be covering her entire bed (can we say OCD??) She goes to bed around 7 and she sleeps straight through the night. I must read her one "big book" AND one "tiny book." When I get to the last page of the tiny book, she tries to run off and escape but I catch her, give her kisses and tickles and then put her in bed.
She sleeps with her ocean sounds on, and asks me to close the door "a libble dit" (= "a litle bit"...see? CAN'T. EVEN!!) Sometimes she'll call me back and say, "Wait! I tell you secret!" and then she'll whisper in my ear, "I love you!" And everything in my world is right.
She's potty trained except for naps, night, and number 2. She goes to the bathroom by herself, but then she runs out half naked and throws her undies at you, lol.
She is crazy sensitive. You cannot be upset with this girl...she gets teary and says, "I sorry, I sorry," until you comfort her...and even then she'll cry for a few minutes. Don't even think about snapping at her, or her sisters. She will say, "Don't be mean to my sisters!" Yet when she's mad at her sisters she'll say, "You're mean! Poppy Aud! Poopy Ab!" WHAT?!? If she's mad I'll ask her silly questions about how I should punish her sisters..."Should I put them in time out? Should I hang them upside down from the ceiling?" She always says no! She doesn't want anything bad happening to them.
Also, if she really wants something she'll say, "Don't say no, that make my heart mad." Ummmmm, ok? I always take the time to put her back in place and usually she can deal.
Lately she's been asking, "You ok, Mom?" just randomly. It is soooo sweet!
I look at her and I'm instantly happy (although that's true for all of my girls!)
She takes a tap/ballet class. First, those tiny tap shoes are the cutest.things.ever. Second, she just nails it! Definitely the youngest in her class but you could never tell. She follows every direction and is always on task. I wish I could stand at the door and watch her the whole time, but I have to take turns with the other parents ;) I just love watching her focus and interact with other adults and kids.
She talks extremely well...I really marvel sometimes at the things that come out of her mouth so clearly.
She likes to play with her sisters but can also hang independently.
She loves Miss Staci, their whole family, their house, their dogs...honestly it is her second home, and what a special place it is- filled with even more special people. They pretty much claim her as their own. The other day we pulled up and two of the kids ran out to greet Annie and walk her up. I walked behind them and just took a moment to be so thankful that she is SO well cared for and loved. Miss Staci is always kissing her, hugging her, and telling her, "I love you!" I mean, honestly- we are so, so blessed to call them friends!
I can't even put into words the love I have for this sweet baby. She is the most precious girl, the last baby...and we just adore her with everything we have!
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