Enjoying dinner...
...not enjoying dinner
Enjoying dinner too much!
She's had these rough, dry patches on her back for awhile now...getting them checked this week. I'm hoping it's just dry skin/eczema...thoughts?
Now that she's walking, I just love it when she walks towards me and smiles like this!
She loves to read...she turns the pages back and forth, babbles, and points to the pictures. Cute!
I'm thinking about doing the 365 project. I'll be doing it weekly though, so for me it's the 52 project! Today Audrey is 13 months :)
The patches on her back look like excema. Our son had the same ones on his back and the Pedi said to use a combination of hydrocortizone 2.5% and Aquaphor twice a day. Also, to not bathe him as much maybe 3 times a week max as it dries out his skin. It worked pretty well. Good luck. The pedi said it comes and goes over the next 2 years and peaks at different times. Just to keep an eye out on it and keep it under control.
The pic of her back really shows how much her hair is growing. She is getting so big!
Looks like eczema. Philip had it when he was about 6 months old. It only lasted a couple of months. Our pedi gave us a prescription cream to use on the worst spots in moderation, and I put Aveeno Baby Soothing Relief Moisture Cream on him every day. I second the bathing in moderation, too. Philip's skin gets really dry in the winter so we only bathe him every other day.
What kind of car seat is she in in the last picture? Love the pink. The options for little girls are so much cuter!
I get those patches on my arms every once in a while. Aquaphor is your friend. True story.
Lauren- it's Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 and will last until she's 16 apparently :) It turns into a booster.
Cool! I'm thinking of getting Philip one of those as his next seat. Some of those boosters could seriously hold a small adult. LOL
She is so cute, I cant believe how grown up she is!
add more things to your blog it hasnt chanched in 2 weeks!!!!
Ok Scott!! aka Anonymous :)
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