March is off to a great start...I'm so happy Spring is right around the corner!
Tomorrow I will be 32 weeks. Last week I finally made it in to take the 1 hour glucose test- and I failed it. I think I was a little overconfident. I'd had a small glass of chocolate milk at about 5 am, then a banana right before the test at 7:30. I'm taking the 3 hour test today and praying that I don't have GD. My love of chocolate aside, I am so worried about Baby Burns. I've read up on GD and I know it's very easily controlled...but it freaks me out! I'm going to try and not worry until I hear for sure.
I'm feeling pretty good but not getting much sleep. I've been waking up around 2 am every night this week. I end up going out on the couch so I can fall asleep with the tv on without bothering Chris. Luckily I can fall back to sleep quickly and I'm not exhausted throughout the day. My belly is growing so fast, but I compared 31 week pics from being pregnant with Audrey and I look much smaller this time!

At our baby shower (Nov 1st, 2008 @ 31 weeks)

March 9th, 2011 @ 31 weeks
Pretty big difference, right?!
It's been awhile since I've posted about things I don't want to forget:

Audrey is such a ham! We were cooking dinner and found her singing like this in the living room. She absolutely loves this basket (which usually holds attribute blocks) and wears it as a hat all the time! She found my necklace on the dining room table and added her own Rainbow Bright bracelet. But the Dora microphone completes the outfit, don't you think?!

She must, must, must have her "friends" in bed with her for naps and nighttime. Usually it's Mickey, Minnie, a girl from Little People, and Lilo. She doesn't stay up and play with them, she just insists on having them in bed with her.

Piling them in the crib
She now asks for Lady Gaga by name in the car. I've heard 'Born This Way' countless times, but I love the smile she gets when she hears the first few notes. Her new favorite snack is Gummies and I love hearing her ask for them...sometimes it sounds like she's saying "dummies" and she walks into Grandma's house asking for them right away.
I'm really looking forward to the next 2 months of being pregnant (hopefully without GD!) and spending time with our first baby!