I love how as Audrey gets older that I love each stage more and more. At almost 3 years old she's so fun! I'm in love with her little personality!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Abigail is 7 months old!
Well, almost :) Tomorrow she will be 7 months and I can't believe how fast she's growing!

These pictures are getting so hard to take! She's distracted by everything!!!

She's on a beautiful eating/sleeping/playing schedule. She wakes and has her first bottle, then eats cereal about an hour later. She goes down for her morning nap after being awake for 2-2 1/2 hours. Sleeps a nice looong stretch of 2+ hours :) She wakes, has a bottle, then plays for 2-2 1/2 hours, then takes her afternoon nap (another 2 hour nap!) She has dinner around 6-6:30 and she plays until bedtime, which is anywhere from 7-8. She has a bottle and goes to sleep for the night. I just love it!
She has 2 bottom teeth and is probably on the verge of getting more. She was very hard to get to sleep last night and she was chewing on her paci like mad. She's starting to eat Mum Mums on her own. She likes Cheerios but can't put them in her own mouth yet. Nothing really exciting to report in the food department! I'm hoping these next 2 months will be better.
She's fully sitting on her own which is GREAT. She sits and plays and has a fine time. She still loves her exersaucer and doorway jumper. She grabs for everything, especially the remote (she CRIES for it!) I guess the next stage is crawling and pulling up! I'm secretly hoping those milestones are far away. I love where she's at right now!
She's making the cutest sounds- "ba ba ba" and "ya ya ya." She has the brightest smile and loves to laugh. In fact, after she finishes a bottle, if you wave it or shake it in front of her face she cracks up- it is too funny! She loves to watch Audrey, and Audrey is so sweet to her! She'll pick up toys that have been thrown off the exersaucer :)
Abigail is still as calm and sweet and wonderful as she's always been. We are truly blessed to have such an angel baby!
These pictures are getting so hard to take! She's distracted by everything!!!
She's on a beautiful eating/sleeping/playing schedule. She wakes and has her first bottle, then eats cereal about an hour later. She goes down for her morning nap after being awake for 2-2 1/2 hours. Sleeps a nice looong stretch of 2+ hours :) She wakes, has a bottle, then plays for 2-2 1/2 hours, then takes her afternoon nap (another 2 hour nap!) She has dinner around 6-6:30 and she plays until bedtime, which is anywhere from 7-8. She has a bottle and goes to sleep for the night. I just love it!
She has 2 bottom teeth and is probably on the verge of getting more. She was very hard to get to sleep last night and she was chewing on her paci like mad. She's starting to eat Mum Mums on her own. She likes Cheerios but can't put them in her own mouth yet. Nothing really exciting to report in the food department! I'm hoping these next 2 months will be better.
She's fully sitting on her own which is GREAT. She sits and plays and has a fine time. She still loves her exersaucer and doorway jumper. She grabs for everything, especially the remote (she CRIES for it!) I guess the next stage is crawling and pulling up! I'm secretly hoping those milestones are far away. I love where she's at right now!
She's making the cutest sounds- "ba ba ba" and "ya ya ya." She has the brightest smile and loves to laugh. In fact, after she finishes a bottle, if you wave it or shake it in front of her face she cracks up- it is too funny! She loves to watch Audrey, and Audrey is so sweet to her! She'll pick up toys that have been thrown off the exersaucer :)
Abigail is still as calm and sweet and wonderful as she's always been. We are truly blessed to have such an angel baby!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
We had a pretty wonderful Thanksgiving. We spent most of the morning hanging out and playing. Then we headed to Kelly's house for our first meal. She did such an amazing job of hosting! The house smelled incredible and the table looked beautiful. She even bought a puzzle and felt coloring pages for Audrey and a plush reindeer for Abby :) Everything was delicious and we just had a great time.

Audrey loved watching us play ping pong before and after dinner. She played, too (with my help!)

Uncle Scott helped her put her puzzle together.
Then we traveled about 4 minutes down the road to aunt Kim's house to celebrate with Chris's side of the family. Again- great food and awesome family. Audrey didn't nap at all (or eat) but she was so good! Fell asleep before we could get on 95 to go home. Abby didn't sleep much either- too much excitement!

Abigail stayed in her PJs all day!
We have a lot to be thankful for again this year. Family, jobs, a home, our health. I'm definitely reflecting on how thankful I am more and more, and not just around the holidays. I hope your holiday was wonderful as well!
Audrey loved watching us play ping pong before and after dinner. She played, too (with my help!)
Uncle Scott helped her put her puzzle together.
Then we traveled about 4 minutes down the road to aunt Kim's house to celebrate with Chris's side of the family. Again- great food and awesome family. Audrey didn't nap at all (or eat) but she was so good! Fell asleep before we could get on 95 to go home. Abby didn't sleep much either- too much excitement!
Abigail stayed in her PJs all day!
We have a lot to be thankful for again this year. Family, jobs, a home, our health. I'm definitely reflecting on how thankful I am more and more, and not just around the holidays. I hope your holiday was wonderful as well!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Putting up the tree (EARLY!!)
My wonderful husband dragged up the tree two days early for me! He loathes anything Christmas before Thanksgiving (his favorite holiday.) I love you, honey!!

First ornament on the tree! Audrey did such a great job. This is the first time she's helped to decorate it. Usually it's completely done during her nap. I'm so glad I let her help. We blasted Christmas music and I laid out the ones she could hang.

Proud of herself :)

All done!

I'm hoping Abigail gets some ornaments this year- a lot of our tree is covered with Audrey's!

Audrey loves the tree. She likes to lay on the floor and spin the yellow Beetle ornament. Sometimes she calls it her tree. She scolded Abby when she knocked down some ornaments. But when I explained that she was allowed to touch them, and it was ok if they fell, she laid off :)
So far my most memorable Christmas was when we had Audrey. I think this one is going to be great, too! She's just so into everything and it's so amazing to relive a childhood Christmas.
First ornament on the tree! Audrey did such a great job. This is the first time she's helped to decorate it. Usually it's completely done during her nap. I'm so glad I let her help. We blasted Christmas music and I laid out the ones she could hang.
Proud of herself :)
All done!
I'm hoping Abigail gets some ornaments this year- a lot of our tree is covered with Audrey's!
Audrey loves the tree. She likes to lay on the floor and spin the yellow Beetle ornament. Sometimes she calls it her tree. She scolded Abby when she knocked down some ornaments. But when I explained that she was allowed to touch them, and it was ok if they fell, she laid off :)
So far my most memorable Christmas was when we had Audrey. I think this one is going to be great, too! She's just so into everything and it's so amazing to relive a childhood Christmas.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Family Photos
My favorite!
"Just hanging out, holding up this tree..." She loved being Stacy's "model" and talked about her for hours afterwards. She kept saying that she wanted to go to Addisyn's house (Stacy's daughter) who she's never even met before...Stacy left such an impression on her :)
This is Chris's favorite!! We're getting an extra big copy of this one!
Huge thanks again to my sweet and talented friend Stacy Hart!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
It was a week.
I experienced a major downside to being a working mom. I always knew it existed, but I got hit with it hard this week. When one of your babies is sick and all you want to do is stay home and cuddle with them, but you have to go to work. On Wednesday I was about to get ready for work when I hear Audrey getting sick in her crib. Poor girl kept throwing up and saying, "Look at me! Clean me up, please!" From the looks of it, I thought she had taken some sips of her milk (old by this time) and immediately threw it up. She didn't have a fever and acted just fine.
So I changed her and laid her in my bed with Chris. I got ready, checking on her multiple times. She was just laying awake, hanging out. Chris got up and started getting ready. Then Audrey got sick again. And again a few minutes later. We decided I needed to stay home with her. I put in for a sub (thank goodness my emergency plans were ready!) and I changed into comfy clothes and just cuddled with her in bed. She continued to get sick all day :( Didn't eat a single thing, just drank. She took a long nap on the couch where she spent most of the day.

After her nap she felt much better (played basketball with Dad!) and was up running around and playing. She had a good night's sleep.
The next morning she woke up just as I was leaving. She kept saying that she wanted me. Her cheeks were flushed and she had a slight fever (99.) But what could I do? I didn't have plans made for my sub so I had to go to work. I felt so bad. Thankfully she had Grandma to take care of her, but I still felt like I was letting her down. To make matters worse, I had 2 conferences after school and my 3rd graders were performing in the evening for parents. So it was an extra long day! Originally Chris was going to bring both girls to school, but he only brought Abigail (which I was very thankful for!)
Thank goodness Audrey woke up in the best mood and all better on Friday. She said, "I'm not sick anymore!" I have used up so many days this year and we've been in school for less than 3 months! But that is what sick days are for, and my first job is my babies so I don't feel too badly. Lesson learned: have 2 straight days of emergency sub plans :)
It's funny the way the girl's schedules work out when we're at home. In the morning I get to enjoy both girls at the same time. The Abigail takes a long morning nap while Audrey is still going strong. Around 1:00 Audrey takes her nap and Abigail wakes up. By the time Audrey wakes up, Abigail is back down for her afternoon nap. They finally see each other again when she wakes up, lol. I love when I get one-on-one time with each sweet girl, and I love seeing them start to play together. It's the best of both worlds! I took these when Audrey was passed out on the couch:

Adorable Abby

BAHAHA! Her newest thing is blowing raspberries (just like Audrey used to do!)
It was a crazy, stressful week but not without some wonderful moments :)
So I changed her and laid her in my bed with Chris. I got ready, checking on her multiple times. She was just laying awake, hanging out. Chris got up and started getting ready. Then Audrey got sick again. And again a few minutes later. We decided I needed to stay home with her. I put in for a sub (thank goodness my emergency plans were ready!) and I changed into comfy clothes and just cuddled with her in bed. She continued to get sick all day :( Didn't eat a single thing, just drank. She took a long nap on the couch where she spent most of the day.

After her nap she felt much better (played basketball with Dad!) and was up running around and playing. She had a good night's sleep.
The next morning she woke up just as I was leaving. She kept saying that she wanted me. Her cheeks were flushed and she had a slight fever (99.) But what could I do? I didn't have plans made for my sub so I had to go to work. I felt so bad. Thankfully she had Grandma to take care of her, but I still felt like I was letting her down. To make matters worse, I had 2 conferences after school and my 3rd graders were performing in the evening for parents. So it was an extra long day! Originally Chris was going to bring both girls to school, but he only brought Abigail (which I was very thankful for!)
Thank goodness Audrey woke up in the best mood and all better on Friday. She said, "I'm not sick anymore!" I have used up so many days this year and we've been in school for less than 3 months! But that is what sick days are for, and my first job is my babies so I don't feel too badly. Lesson learned: have 2 straight days of emergency sub plans :)
It's funny the way the girl's schedules work out when we're at home. In the morning I get to enjoy both girls at the same time. The Abigail takes a long morning nap while Audrey is still going strong. Around 1:00 Audrey takes her nap and Abigail wakes up. By the time Audrey wakes up, Abigail is back down for her afternoon nap. They finally see each other again when she wakes up, lol. I love when I get one-on-one time with each sweet girl, and I love seeing them start to play together. It's the best of both worlds! I took these when Audrey was passed out on the couch:

Adorable Abby

BAHAHA! Her newest thing is blowing raspberries (just like Audrey used to do!)
It was a crazy, stressful week but not without some wonderful moments :)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Things I Don't Want to Forget
Audrey is so sweet. As we were getting ready for pictures on Sunday, she was kind of wandering around between our room and the living room. I had just put Abigail down for a nap. She had started to fuss so Chris went and checked on her. He saw Audrey come out of Abby's room. He asked, "What were you doing in there?" She said, "I was singing Abby a lullaby!" When he told me this, I asked her to show me what she did. So we all tiptoed into Abby's room. Audrey goes to the small piano and starts hitting the keys and singing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." She was being so quiet (which was why we hadn't heard her on the monitor!) I love her!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
I broke my WHAT?!
Ugh. So I had such a bad coughing fit on my way to school on Monday that I decided to take the afternoon off and go see a doctor. I went to an Urgent Care and got in right away. The doctor listened to my back and chest and felt around my upper rib cage. He said that I have bronchitis and a broken rib. He wanted to know why I didn't come in when I had the bad cough. I guess I just figured it came along with my cold. Plus, who has time to go to the doctor for a cough? I know better now! He gave me a rx for antibiotics and some cough meds. He also sent me for a chest xray. He wanted to make sure my lungs were ok and he told me that the xray probably won't pick up the fracture.
I went for the xray (I only had to wait 10 minutes.) The xrays were painful only because I had to raise my right arm and it hurt so bad! In fact, after the xray I started to feel awful. The pain got worse and I felt very winded just walking to my car. I grabbed lunch at Panera and then went to Target to get my meds. It was rough walking around. I was in so much pain by the time I got the girls and it was quite an effort just to talk.
The drive home was brutal. My rib hurt and I started to feel achy and I had the chills. It felt like I had the flu all of a sudden! Chris wasn't home and it took a long time for me to get the girls in and settled. When he did get home I went straight to bed and just hung out there the rest of the night. In addition to my meds I took Tylenol with codeine. It helped get me to sleep :) This morning I feel better (except my rib still hurts and I get very winded just walking and talking.) Should make for an interesting day of teaching. Ugh.
The doctor said a broken rib takes about a month to heal. The only recommendation he had was to hold my ribs when I cough. Once we get the cough cleared up we should be good to go. I hope that's sooner than later. I hate feeling this way! I want to do nothing but sit still. I'm supposed to go back in 2-7 days if the pain is still there for a CAT scan. Blah.
I went for the xray (I only had to wait 10 minutes.) The xrays were painful only because I had to raise my right arm and it hurt so bad! In fact, after the xray I started to feel awful. The pain got worse and I felt very winded just walking to my car. I grabbed lunch at Panera and then went to Target to get my meds. It was rough walking around. I was in so much pain by the time I got the girls and it was quite an effort just to talk.
The drive home was brutal. My rib hurt and I started to feel achy and I had the chills. It felt like I had the flu all of a sudden! Chris wasn't home and it took a long time for me to get the girls in and settled. When he did get home I went straight to bed and just hung out there the rest of the night. In addition to my meds I took Tylenol with codeine. It helped get me to sleep :) This morning I feel better (except my rib still hurts and I get very winded just walking and talking.) Should make for an interesting day of teaching. Ugh.
The doctor said a broken rib takes about a month to heal. The only recommendation he had was to hold my ribs when I cough. Once we get the cough cleared up we should be good to go. I hope that's sooner than later. I hate feeling this way! I want to do nothing but sit still. I'm supposed to go back in 2-7 days if the pain is still there for a CAT scan. Blah.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Wonderful week!
I had been looking forward to last week for a loooong time! Aside from the dreaded 24 report cards and parent conferences (I actually like the conferences- the report cards are just so time-consuming!) it was awesome. Tuesday was a work day- a for real work day...no meetings or professional development classes. I spent most of the day on report cards but at least I didn't have to do them at home :) Thursday was an early out for conferences and I didn't mind staying until 7:30 because we had Friday off for Veteran's Day.

Abigail hasn't really needed Ferber. On Sunday she had a super long afternoon nap and went to bed easily. All week she stayed on a perfect schedule for Grandma. Cereal at about 8, nap around 10, bottle at noon. Nap again at 2 and bottle around 4. I give her cereal when we get home between 5:30-6:00 and she gets a big 8 oz bottle at bedtime around 8:00. This weekend she did awesome with naps and bedtime, too! I did cheat on Saturday afternoon when Chris urged me to nap with her on our bed :) I just love that time with her!

I can't believe that sweet Audrey Cate will be THREE next month! I've started planning her birthday party (pray for no sickies this time!) She's having a fancy tea party. All she can talk about is how she wants a play kitchen and the Lalaloopsy clubhouse. This is such a difference from last year. The holidays are going to be so much more exciting now that she's old enough to enjoy everything. I want to start Elf on the Shelf with her. I want her to help decorate the tree, learn Christmas songs, make Pintastic crafts, and choose gifts for people. I am so excited!!!!!
As great as this week has been, I've been in pain since Thursday. I started feeling this awful ache on my right side, from the top of my breastbone down to my rib cage. I have no idea what it could be and it still hurts, hasn't eased up at all. It intensifies when I inhale and when I move. It's nearly unbearable when I cough or sneeze. Leaning over and picking up the babes is very hard and so is reaching for anything. I will probably give it a couple more days before I go to the doctor. I just don't want to overreact and take up anyone's time (or miss time with my girls.) The only thing I can think of is that it's a strained muscle from the wretched cough I've had. At night I coughed so bad I actually got sick a few times. I still have a cough but it's not nearly as bad as it was. I'm just so uncomfortable and I want it to go away, or at least subside a bit. We shall see!
Today we had family pictures taken with Stacy Hart. I can't wait to see how they come out- I just love working with her! You must check out her page if you live in the area! http://stacyhartphotography.com/
This is our last full week before Thanksgiving Break. I am super excited!
Abigail hasn't really needed Ferber. On Sunday she had a super long afternoon nap and went to bed easily. All week she stayed on a perfect schedule for Grandma. Cereal at about 8, nap around 10, bottle at noon. Nap again at 2 and bottle around 4. I give her cereal when we get home between 5:30-6:00 and she gets a big 8 oz bottle at bedtime around 8:00. This weekend she did awesome with naps and bedtime, too! I did cheat on Saturday afternoon when Chris urged me to nap with her on our bed :) I just love that time with her!
I can't believe that sweet Audrey Cate will be THREE next month! I've started planning her birthday party (pray for no sickies this time!) She's having a fancy tea party. All she can talk about is how she wants a play kitchen and the Lalaloopsy clubhouse. This is such a difference from last year. The holidays are going to be so much more exciting now that she's old enough to enjoy everything. I want to start Elf on the Shelf with her. I want her to help decorate the tree, learn Christmas songs, make Pintastic crafts, and choose gifts for people. I am so excited!!!!!
As great as this week has been, I've been in pain since Thursday. I started feeling this awful ache on my right side, from the top of my breastbone down to my rib cage. I have no idea what it could be and it still hurts, hasn't eased up at all. It intensifies when I inhale and when I move. It's nearly unbearable when I cough or sneeze. Leaning over and picking up the babes is very hard and so is reaching for anything. I will probably give it a couple more days before I go to the doctor. I just don't want to overreact and take up anyone's time (or miss time with my girls.) The only thing I can think of is that it's a strained muscle from the wretched cough I've had. At night I coughed so bad I actually got sick a few times. I still have a cough but it's not nearly as bad as it was. I'm just so uncomfortable and I want it to go away, or at least subside a bit. We shall see!
Today we had family pictures taken with Stacy Hart. I can't wait to see how they come out- I just love working with her! You must check out her page if you live in the area! http://stacyhartphotography.com/
This is our last full week before Thanksgiving Break. I am super excited!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
So, I wanted to start Ferber with Abigail last night. I held her for a few minutes after her bottle and gave her tons of kisses. She didn't seem too drowsy (usually she's out within minutes.) I put her in the crib wide awake and left. She fell asleep, no Ferberizing needed.
Today was a bit different! I decided to start with 3,5,7 minute intervals.
Morning Nap: Chris got up with her between 6:30-7 am and fed her. I gave her cereal at about 8:00. I figured by 9:00 she'd be ready for her nap. I rocked her for a few minutes in her darkened room. Audrey came in and sang her a lullaby (which wasn't at all soothing, but it was so sweet!) I laid her down at about 9:00 and she started fussing about a minute later. She fussed through her 3, 5, AND 7 minute times. I would go in when the time was up and give her the paci. Each time she looked so tired. At her 7 minute time she fell asleep as soon as I gave her the paci (thank you baby Jesus!)
Listening to her cry/scream was so freaking hard. I tried to keep busy by baking muffins, cleaning the dishes, loading the laundry. At one point even Audrey said, "Abby's crying. I'll go sing her a lullaby." Sigh.
She slept til 10:30-ish. Changed her and fed her a bottle at 10:45. She played until about 12:30. I had a sweet potato baking in the oven for her but it wasn't going to be done/cooled off enough for her to stay up and eat. So I gave her another bottle (she drank most of it.) And said 5 prayers as I put her down. She cried for 3 minutes. The longest 3 minutes of my life! I went in and gave her the paci- she fell right to sleep...no additional wait time :)
I'm hoping the rest of today goes well...fingers double crossed!
Today was a bit different! I decided to start with 3,5,7 minute intervals.
Morning Nap: Chris got up with her between 6:30-7 am and fed her. I gave her cereal at about 8:00. I figured by 9:00 she'd be ready for her nap. I rocked her for a few minutes in her darkened room. Audrey came in and sang her a lullaby (which wasn't at all soothing, but it was so sweet!) I laid her down at about 9:00 and she started fussing about a minute later. She fussed through her 3, 5, AND 7 minute times. I would go in when the time was up and give her the paci. Each time she looked so tired. At her 7 minute time she fell asleep as soon as I gave her the paci (thank you baby Jesus!)
Listening to her cry/scream was so freaking hard. I tried to keep busy by baking muffins, cleaning the dishes, loading the laundry. At one point even Audrey said, "Abby's crying. I'll go sing her a lullaby." Sigh.
She slept til 10:30-ish. Changed her and fed her a bottle at 10:45. She played until about 12:30. I had a sweet potato baking in the oven for her but it wasn't going to be done/cooled off enough for her to stay up and eat. So I gave her another bottle (she drank most of it.) And said 5 prayers as I put her down. She cried for 3 minutes. The longest 3 minutes of my life! I went in and gave her the paci- she fell right to sleep...no additional wait time :)
I'm hoping the rest of today goes well...fingers double crossed!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Last Saturday I took the girls to my school's annual Fall Festival. Audrey had such a great time! My mom came, too. Good thing, because I had my hands full with Audrey! And I had (still have) this raging cough and I can't seem to shake it :( Anyways, my mom also got lots of great pics!

One of my former students (now in 6th grade) painted Audrey's face!

Spin art

Loved miniature golf!

She got a ping pong ball in the glass milk bottle on her first shot!

Book Walk- she won!

After she ate and got changed she slept the rest of the time!

Such a great time!
It was such a rainy, dreary day. I took a lot of pictures of Abigail!

Love the smirk.


Super love this picture of Audrey!
Abigail is LOVING food. She's been eating oatmeal (banana flavored) every day (once during the day and once in the evening.) She's had dry toast, carrots, and grilled cheese so far.

Not a huge fan of carrots

Audrey gets super excited when Abigail eats!

Yesterday we had Abigail's 6 month appointment. Her stats are unreal:
height: 27 1/2 inches (95th %)
weight: 18 lbs (95%)
When the doctor walked in and saw the girls she said, "You need to have 6 more babies, they are so beautiful!" I wish :) She talked to Audrey a lot about Abigail. Audrey must've felt like she was going to be observed, too. She started taking off her pants while Sue was checking out Abigail. I think she figured that because Abby was a "nakey baby" she had to strip down, too, lol. Both girls got their flu shots. I held Audrey s she got hers but she barely even winced! I couldn't believe it. Abigail has to go back in a month for the second part. She did well with her shot but didn't sleep all afternoon (except in the car.) She has her 2nd tooth coming in, right next to the one on the bottom. YAY!

I wasn't fast enough to stop her :( I don't even want to think about what kind of germs are on that thing! Actually, it had been put away in the cabinet and Audrey dragged it out. Still...

Great start to the month! Next week is busy though...report cards to be done and 25 parent conferences to hold. I am so looking forward to our 3 day weekend. But I'm mostly looking forward to Thanksgiving. Great food, family, and putting up the Christmas tree. I love the holidays!

One of my former students (now in 6th grade) painted Audrey's face!

Spin art

Loved miniature golf!

She got a ping pong ball in the glass milk bottle on her first shot!

Book Walk- she won!

After she ate and got changed she slept the rest of the time!

Such a great time!
It was such a rainy, dreary day. I took a lot of pictures of Abigail!

Love the smirk.


Super love this picture of Audrey!
Abigail is LOVING food. She's been eating oatmeal (banana flavored) every day (once during the day and once in the evening.) She's had dry toast, carrots, and grilled cheese so far.
Not a huge fan of carrots
Audrey gets super excited when Abigail eats!
Yesterday we had Abigail's 6 month appointment. Her stats are unreal:
height: 27 1/2 inches (95th %)
weight: 18 lbs (95%)
When the doctor walked in and saw the girls she said, "You need to have 6 more babies, they are so beautiful!" I wish :) She talked to Audrey a lot about Abigail. Audrey must've felt like she was going to be observed, too. She started taking off her pants while Sue was checking out Abigail. I think she figured that because Abby was a "nakey baby" she had to strip down, too, lol. Both girls got their flu shots. I held Audrey s she got hers but she barely even winced! I couldn't believe it. Abigail has to go back in a month for the second part. She did well with her shot but didn't sleep all afternoon (except in the car.) She has her 2nd tooth coming in, right next to the one on the bottom. YAY!
I wasn't fast enough to stop her :( I don't even want to think about what kind of germs are on that thing! Actually, it had been put away in the cabinet and Audrey dragged it out. Still...
Great start to the month! Next week is busy though...report cards to be done and 25 parent conferences to hold. I am so looking forward to our 3 day weekend. But I'm mostly looking forward to Thanksgiving. Great food, family, and putting up the Christmas tree. I love the holidays!
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